Thursday, August 26, 2010

Movie: The Blind Side

The Blind Side is a sports-drama movie, with a pretty Hollywood ending, except that most of it is actually real.  It tells how Leigh Anne Tuohy, an interior decorator whose husband is a successful owner of many fast food franchises, decides to help Michael Oher (offensive lineman of the Baltimore Ravens) get off the rough neighborhoods of Memphis, providing him food and shelter and eventually becoming his adoptive mother.   The movie ends when Michael Oher successfully is accepted into University of Mississippi on a football scholarship.  This is a movie about how one person's total kindness and love has helped to completely change another person's life. 

Sandra Bullock pretty much steals the show with a very strong and surprising performance.  I would not have thought that Bullock would have it in her to win a Best Actress award, but she really did it.  Quinton Aaron is equally good in playing Michael Oher.  And of course, the kid who plays SJ, Jae Head, always brings in the funny and cute moments.  The movie is light-hearted although with a few serious and pivotal scenes.  A feel-good movie on all accounts.

「攻其不備」是一部份運動劇情片,描述Leigh Anne Tuohy,一在Memphis的室內裝潢師,老公也是成功的數十個快餐連鎖店的老闆(Taco Bell其中之一),如果在看到四次流浪,受寒挨餓的Michael Oher,如何發自內性的愛心,提供他食宿和教育,並最後擔任他的監護人,認養他。電在Michael成功地拿到University of Mississippi的美式足球獎學金時結束,不過電影最後一幕有拍真正的Michael Oher當時被NFL的選秀時的真實影片。因為一位女性全心的愛和付出,而徹徹底底改變了Michael Oher的一生,使他從街上混吃等死無所事事的年輕人,到今天成功的運動員,因為是個真實故事改編,所以顯得更是偉大。

珊卓布拉克飾演Leigh Anne Tuhoy的角色,應該是大大超越了各影評和影迷的期望吧。以前看她的片,覺得她是個甜美的演員,雖然有些角色有表現出演技,但卻不覺得她是會得奧斯卡最佳女主角的演員。這次她選的角色以及她所做出的突破,都深得各方的肯定,特別是這一年角逐最佳女主角獎的幾位提名人也是實力堅強。演Michael Oher的Quinton Aaron也將其高大強壯但憨厚老師的特質發揮得很好。然後,飾演小兒子的Jae Head天真可愛的模樣,也是片中許多輕鬆的片段。 電影雖然劇情片成份多,但嚴肅的片段並不會使情緒低落,反而是球賽的畫面,是會激勵人心的,看完心裡會充滿著希望的電影。

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