Friday, October 15, 2010

Movie: Date Night

Date Night is a screwball comedy starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey, a married couple in the New Jersey suburbs who experience a crazy night on their weekly date night, when they decide to do something for a change and dine in at a fancy Manhattan restaurant.  They get themselves into one absurd situation after another, and next thing they know, they are held at gunpoint, are in a car chase, you name it.

The pairing of Steve Carell and Tina Fey works very well, as they convincingly portrary good-natured innocent couple leading an uninteresting life.  They react to the ridiculous situation they are in as realistically as the average person would.  This in turn, creates the quirky humor that works because the audience is more aware of their situation than they are, and each bizarre twist just goes to fuel the comedy.

Steve Carrell's performance here reminds us of his previous performances in The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Get Smart.  He is great at playing the everyday man caught in a non-everyday scenario.  Also, Tina Fey is just as brilliant.  Overall, very hilarious at times and a solid comedy.   

約會喔麥尬」是由「40處男」和「特務行不行」的男主角Steve Carrell和美國Saturday Night Live上的Tina Fey所演的搞笑片。故事講二人是一對在New Jersey市郊工作的典型美國夫妻,過著無趣的生活。原本一週一次會請褓母來看小孩, 二夫妻晚上出去約會,都變得沒有熱情。

有一天晚上,先生突發奇想,決定到紐約曼哈頓吃一餐高級的晚餐。結果,接著發生一連串的事情 ,一件比一件離奇荒謬,不但歹徒拿槍挾持,上演警察開車追逐,以及其他莫名奇妙的事。Steve Carrell 和 Tina Fey 扮演的老實夫妻,遇到這些狀況,也表現出一般平民老百姓會有的舉動。這些「正常反應」,在周遭不正常的環境裡,正是那幽默的所在。 最終,電影的整個劇情,仍然會水落石出,給觀眾一個滿意合理的答案。我一向很欣賞Steve Carrell的電影作品,而Tina Fey也是多才多藝的女諧星,因此這個組合真的是絕配。習慣美式搞笑幽默,一定不能錯過這對傻夫妻的瘋狂之夜。

1 comment:

  1. 這部真的很好笑...更妙的是,因為不需要大螢幕,就算在飛機上看(如我)還是可以enjoy它. 如果是需要大螢幕的片子,恐怕對看電影的場合就得有所挑剔了.
