Anyways, I conjured enough courage to send her an email asking if she had a copy of that CD and that of another Rebel available. Surprising thing was, she responded and was very happy to send them to me. I promised to pay in some form, of course~~~
Here's the note that came along with the mail. I must say, this act of generosity and kindness has been so sweet of her. It is so worthy of mention that I went out of the ordinary and put this up as soon as I got the chance to. For those unfamiliar with Ingrid Matthews, she is a Baroque violinist based in Seattle and the music director of the Seattle Baroque Orchestra. Listening to their clips of Biber's Sonatae tam aris quam aulis servientes, it is some mighty wonderful playing, holding their own against the best out there! I will write more about these CDs in the near future~~~ (yes, I made a donation, in case you were wondering)
這是前天入手的CD,是兩位法國巴洛克作曲家的小提琴奏鳴曲,其中一位de la Guerre還是重要的女性作曲家。總之,這不是網上買的,而是唱片上的音樂家,女小提琴Ingrid Matthews親手寄來的。
話說,前一陣子感恩節的時候,想多了解一下de la Guerre的音樂,無意間找到Matthews女士這張錄音。一直在網上尋找,到底哪裡可以購買得到,都無功而返。最後上了她的個人網站,買CD的網址也是壞掉的。最後,我鼓起了勇氣,臉皮很厚地給她寄了一封信,問她手邊有沒有上述的CD(和另一張)。原本沒有期望她回信,不過她居然兩天之內就我答覆了,還很爽快地問我家地址。
今天終於收到這兩張CD,真的是興奮又感動。Ingrid Matthews女士實在是親切又大方的音樂家。對她的簡介:她是為於西雅圖的音樂家,是Seattle Baroque Orchestra的指揮,是Indiana University畢業的,師承名師Josef Gingold,而後來轉巴洛克小提琴,也拜師Stanley Ritchie大師。她們樂團錄的Biber室內樂奏鳴曲,又通順又有精神,完全不遜色於歐洲一流的樂團。可惜,如果我要去西雅圖開會,將會錯過他們這一季最後一場的音樂會~~~ 殘念~~~
(如果你要問我有沒有捐錢,我當然是有的。不過,不要問我金額~~ )
that's the Christmas spirit!
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